We Did Nothing from Kite Scoop on Vimeo.
We Did Nothing from Kite Scoop on Vimeo.
We will not bore you with fancy technology talk that numbs the mind, we prefer to show you what this new design is all about using lots of video so that you can evaluate the performance for yourself. I assume that you are a advanced to expert rider that has enough experience to evaluate what you see in these videos. If you are not experienced then please visit our Beast pages. Our Beast kites are more oriented to the average rider. We now finished testing the 5-7-9-11 M and are in production when you read this, 7M Ovando will be available by June 22 and the 5-9-11 by July 22, 2009. In the videos the wind is 13 to 25 knots, rider weight is from 60 to 80 kg, the kite is on a 45cm bar, 30cm de-power flying 7M Ov.on 23M lines. We have used the kite from 10 to 30 knots and so far none of my riders have needed to use the de-power strap. | One characteristic that stands out is the ability to turn very quickly anywhere in the window, and this without hesitation. You can witness this quick responsive turning in the Turning and Flying video. The kite has a gradual smooth 80% de-power with a direct feel in the bar, no need to find the sweet spot, the harder you pull the faster you go. At this point we estimate a 15 knot wind range for the 11M. Enjoy the videos and make up your own mind if this could be a kite for you. If you want to see more extensive testing of the Ovando please click here for a YouTube Play list. The videos and information will be updated on the fly so please drop in once in a while for updates. Or use my FaceBook page or news section for day to day semi private info on what we are doing. | |
Stand-up paddling, sometimes shortened to SUP, is done standing up straight, with feet parallel, on big, floating surfboards. The boards are thicker and wider than normal surfboards because that parallel stance demands width and stability. Standing on the board, you propel yourself forward over the water and waves with a strong, lightweight paddle (usually made out of carbon fiber).
The paddler grips the butt end of the paddle in one hand and wraps his other hand about halfway down the handle. The correct posture of SUP is standing with knees slightly bent, and the proper stroke requires the paddler to bend forward at the waist, demanding strength and stability. The combination of wind and waves requires dozens of micro adjustments to balance, and coordination of all your muscles.
Full-Body Benefit
For pure exercise, SUP can be enjoyed on calm stretches of flat water anywhere. But to take it to the next level, you can also paddle out to catch a wave. Chris Mauro, editor of Surfer magazine, is a father of three children and doesn't have a lot of time, so he paddles out to sea on his 11-foot SUP at San Onofre, Calif., to combine his workouts with his surf session. Mauro believes the hype about the fitness effect of SUP. "I can actually quantify the results. I became the RBI leader on my softball team after I started jacking way more homers. There's crazy shoulder-building potential there," he says. In addition to the immense fitness benefits, SUP is a great way to beat the crowds at the beach. To me, that's the whole idea behind the sport," Mauro told MF.
Marshall Coben is a Malibu resident who has been SUP for about five years. The 5'11", 172-pound surfer has a 12-foot board that he says is great for paddling but also good for riding waves. Either way, Coben says the physical benefits of SUP are undeniable. "SUP has developed my hand, arm, stomach, and back muscles. I'm much fitter and find paddling to be so easy I could do it all day. It's more pleasurable, and because of the balance issues it works your body from head to toe. Ankles get worked, fingers, toes. You become a stronger person all around."
For guys who love water and fitness, stand-up paddling boarding is definitely the best new addiction around. Like a lot of new sports, it isn't cheap, but the investment is well worth it to get an unbeatable workout that tones and tans--while the endorphins flow.
Rental boards will get you through your lessons, but when you are ready to take on SUP as a regular consider investing in your own setup. There's a lot of brands and gear out there, but considering space, price and performance, we decided to push the inflatable ones, since the price is right;
Good performance, as a kiter we travel a lot trying to find some wind, saying that "SIZE MATTERS" we can travel with this board as a backpack!!!
On the top of that, we found that the inflatables are great for schools and beginners, since we can't get a ding or scratch, that will cost you $$$$.
Best of all, you can own yours (affordable) instead of paying big bucks.
Buy it now: http://www.7sinsports.com/store/main/index.html